100 Years NNZ Started In 1922

The NNZ journey started 99 years ago

Celebrating 100 years NNZ on 22 October 2022

1922 - 1930 The NNZ journey

Groningen, 22 October 2021


2022 is a special year for NNZ

For NNZ, 2022 is a very special year. Ninety-nine years ago, on the 22nd of October, Marinus Gijsbertus Boot travelled from Gouda to Groningen, where he established the Noord Nederlandsche Zakkenhandel N.V. He saw excellent opportunities in Groningen for this trading activities, hence his decision in 1922 to head for the northern part of the Netherlands, with NLG 20.000 to invest. Mr Boot was not to be disappointed!

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